Pur α inclusions in rGGGGCC Drosophila and human GGGGCC expansion repeat carriers. (A) Drosophila Pur α and ubiquitin colocalize in rGGGGCC-induced inclusions in flies expressing expanded rGGGGCC repeats. Confocal images are shown of eye transverse sections from 14-d-old flies with either rGGGGCC3 (control) or GGGGCC30
in trans to gmr-GAL4, stained with antibodies against ubiquitin (red) and Pur α (green). The nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (B) Pur α forms inclusions in the cerebellum of humans with FTLD-TDP. Molecular and granule cell layers of the cerebellum in individuals with FTLD-TDP with expanded rGGGGCC repeats are shown stained for p62 and Pur α. In the molecular layer, p62-positive TDP-negative intranuclear inclusions are shown as red arrowheads, and Pur α-staining intranuclear inclusions are shown as blue arrowheads. In the granule cell layer, p62-positive TDP-negative inclusions are shown as green arrowheads, and Pur α inclusions are shown as black arrowheads.