Quantitative RT-PCR analyses of the mRNA expression of BDKRB1 (A, C), the BDKRB2 (B, D) in human gingival fibroblasts transfected with scrambled siRNA (siSCR) or STAT6 siRNA (siSTAT6). In A, B is shown the effects of IL-1β (100 pg·mL−1) without or with IL-4 (30 ng·mL−1) on BDKRB1 (A) and BDKRB2 (B) mRNA. In C, D is shown the effects of TNF-α (50 ng·mL−1) without or with IL-4 (30 ng·mL−1) on BDKRB1 (C) and BDKRB2 (D) mRNA. The values represent means ± SEM for four wells per group. The samples were analysed in duplicates and normalized with RPL13A. The statistically significant effects are shown by asterisks (*, P < 0.05; **P < 0.01).