Figure 4. Expression of retrovirally encoded MHC class II prevents T cell proliferation in response to MHC class II mismatched splenocytes.
B10.MBR mice were reconstituted with VSV-I-Ab (I-Ab) or control VSV-GFP (GFP) transduced bone marrow. Recipients were immunized with 107 irradiated B10.QBR splenocytes and then sacrificed 10 days later. (A) Splenocytes were CFSE labeled and stimulated with irradiated syngeneic B10.MBR (dotted line), or allogeneic B10.QBR (solid line)or BALB/c dashed line. Proliferation was monitored by flow cytometry after 72 hours. (B). The results of the experiment in panel A expressed percent proliferation. VSV-I-Ab (white bars) or VSV-GFP (black bars). Shown is one representative experiment of two. Each experiment assayed 2-3 individual mice per group.