Lin et al.420
study of the composite calcite crystals of otoconia. A guinea pig utricle (the
vertebrate gravity receptor organ) was treated with a freeze-fracture and
deep-etch procedure to examine the fibrous network and interconnections with the
otoconia crystals. (a) Numerous, barrel-shaped otoconia are embedded in a loose
filament matrix. Bar = 1 μm. In other images (not shown here),
the otoconia appear to be linked together by filamentous cross-links. (b) Freeze
fracture of an individual otoconium shows an organic central core (CO) formed by
a tight meshwork of filaments, and a well-faceted, dense crystalline outer shell
(OS) of calcite. Bar = 0.5 μm. (c) On the surface of the
otoconia, pore-like openings can be seen in the mineral (arrows ), which appear
near or under the surface filaments. Bar = 0.1 μm. (d) The
fracture plane through the mineralized outer shell of this otoconium shows
several deep radial channels (arrows) that seem to connect the central core with
the otoconium’s outer surface. Bar = 0.2 μm. (Reprinted
with permission from ref 420. Copyright
2000 Academic Press.).