Figure 1.
Time-course of effects of dextromethorphan (DXM) (left panels) and triazolam (right panels) on several measures assessed repeatedly across the session. Y-axes: participant-rated Drug Effect on a 100-point scale; monitor rating of Overall Drug Effect on a 4-point scale; Circular Lights, number correct; Balance, time in seconds. X-axes: time after drug administration in minutes. Data points show means (N=12 for all measures except for monitor ratings for which N=10), brackets show 1 SEM. Filled symbols indicate values that are significantly different from the corresponding placebo value at the same time point (p<0.05, planned comparisons). Penultimate and Maximum DXM refer to the penultimate and maximum doses of DXM administered. The maximum DXM dose is not presented for the participant rating because of missing data.