Figure 4.
Morphological changes towards a complex of enlarged glomeruli. (a) Reconstruction of female antennal lobes (ALs) of the specialist D. erecta (i) and the generalist D. melanogaster (iii). Glomeruli terminology according to Couto [34]. ALs are viewed from medial to lateral. Comparison of the relative volume of the complex of enlarged glomeruli (based on the corresponding antennal input—large basiconic sensilla type ab1, ab2 and ab3) in D. erecta (blue), and D. melanogaster (red) (ii). The four glomeruli were up to 2.5 times enlarged in D. erecta, compared to the morphological structures in D. melanogaster (DM2×1.73; DM4×1.71; DM5×1.6; VM5d×2.5). n = 3 for D. melanogaster, n = 4 for D. erecta. Scale bar = 10 µm. Dorsal (D), lateral (L). (b) Neuronal backfill of ab3 sensilla in female D. erecta, viewed in three different planes of the AL. Labelled axons converge into the region of enlarged glomeruli (upper part). The corresponding planes are displayed in the reconstructed AL. Numbers in the paranthesis correspond to the plane (lower part). (c) Relative number of large basiconic sensilla of the four species under investigation [4]. Species name abbreviations according to the first three species letters. Total numbers of sensilla are given in parentheses. (d) Influence of 3M2BA in combination with spatial information (vertical structures) in oviposition site preference in the specialist D. erecta (i) and the generalist D. melanogaster (ii). Transparent bars represent relative number of eggs counted on the plates in total (control, light blue; 3M2BA, pink); solid bars include spatial information (vertical surface; horizontal surface; and vertical surface around odour cup). Mean ± s.d. Spatial preference of D. erecta and D. melanogaster: vertical medium surface > vertical gap around the odour cup > horizontal medium surface (D. erecta, p = 0.003; D. melanogaster, p = 0.002). 3M2BA significantly triggered oviposition in D. erecta, but not in D. melanogaster (D. erecta, p = 0.003; D. melanogaster, p > 0.05). Combination 3M2BA and spatial: D. erecta laid significantly more eggs inside the vertical gap around the odour cup > vertical medium structure (D. erecta, p < 0.001; D. melanogaster, p > 0.05). Per species, n = 6 cage of 30 flies.