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. 2013 Jun 1;110(2):88–102. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2013.02.010

Table 2.

Parameters for the economic disease model. Where: H-S are healthy pigs with normal growth; PMWS-D are PMWS pigs that die due to the disease; PMWS-R are PMWS pigs that recover from the disease; Sub-D are PCV2 infected pigs with slow growth, no clear PMWS clinical sign and that die; and Sub-S are PCV2 infected pigs with slow growth, no clear PMWS clinical sign and that survive.

Parameters Symbol Value Stochastic
Distribution Range
Post-weaning mortality
Overall post-weaning mortality XT 1.29*exp(0.313*PMWS severity) Normal 0.27–0.36 Fitted through non-linear regression of CS-2008 data (reg coef. p < 0.01, R2 = 0.88). The 95% confidence interval of the regression coefficient was used to define the stochastic range.
Post-weaning mortality non-PCV2 related (%) X2+3 3.08 Post-weaning mortality at severity of 2.79 (see assumption 7 in Table 3)
Post-weaning mortality attributable to PMWS pigs X5 ψ*FR [Rule: Cannot be higher than the proportion of PCV2 infected pigs]
PMWS fatality rate (FR) FR 1.0136*exp(−0.0382*ψ) Fitted through non-linear regression of FO-2011 data (reg coef. p = 0.17, R2 = 0.82)
Post-weaning mortality attributable to PCV2 subclinical pigs X4 XT − X2+3 − X5 [Rule: X4 cannot be less than zero]

PMWS morbidities and PCV2 prevalence
Proportion of PCV2 infected pigs π 0.0982*exp(0.2244*PMWS severity) Normal 0.18–0.27 Fitted through non-linear regression of CS-2008 data (p < 0.01, R2 = 0.87). The 95% confidence interval of the regression coefficient was used to define the stochastic range.
Percentage of PMWS pigs ψ 0.1127*exp(2.8802*MF1) Normal 2.61–0.15 Fitted through non-linear regression of CS-2008 data (p < 0.01, R2 = 0.82)). The 95% confidence interval of the regression coefficient was used to define the stochastic range.
Morbidity factor 1 MF1 See Eq. (1)
Proportion of PCV2 infected pigs that develop subclinical signs Ω 0.73 Normal 0.27–0.48 Estimated from data of L-2001 (see assumption 3 in Table 3). The 95% confidence interval was used to define the stochastic range.
Growth rate parameters
Average weight at slaughter of a H-S pig (kg) Wt1 102.6 T1*ADGH-S + Wt0
Average weight at weaning of a H-S pig (kg) Wt0 8.1 Bench10
Average daily weight gain of a H-S pig (kg/day) ADGH-S 0.675 Bench10
Percentage reduction in ADG of a Sub-S pig ζSub 16 Normal 3–29 Estimated from data of L-2001 study. The 95% confidence interval was used to define the stochastic range.
Average daily weight gain of a Sub-S pig (kg/day) ADGSub 0.567 ADGH-S*(1 − ζSub)
Percentage reduction in ADG of a PMWS-R pig ζPMWS 26 Normal 16–36 Estimated from data of L-2001 study. The 95% confidence interval was used to define the stochastic range.
Average daily weight gain of a PMWS-R pig (kg/day) ADGPMWS 0.500 ADGH-S*(1 − ζPMWS)
Average weight at death of a PMWS-D pig (kg) WPMWSD 30.37 Wt0 + TPMWSD*ADGPMWS
Average weight at death of a Sub-D pig (kg) WSubD 42.12 Wt0 + TSubD*ADGSub

Time parameters
Average days in feed of a H-S pig (days) T1 140 Bench10
Average days in feed of a Sub-S pig (days) T2 166.67 (Wt1 − Wt0)/ADGSub [161 days in the model as explained in assumption 8, Table 3)
Average days in feed of a PMWS-D pig (days) TPMWSD 56 Beta pert 42–70 See assumption 6, Table 3
Average days in feed of a Sub-D pig (days) TSubD 56 Uniform 50–80 See assumption 6, Table 3
Average days in feed of a PMWS-R pig (days) T3 173.81 ((TPMWSD) + ((WHS − WPMWSD)/ADGSub)

Breeding parameters
Litters per sow per year LSY 2.2 Bench10
Pigs born alive per sow per litter PBSL 11.20 Bench10
Mortality of pigs born alive (%) X1 12.72 Bench10
Pigs weaned er sow per year WSY 21.99 LSY*PBSY*(1 − (X1/100))
Sow year replacement rate (%) SRR 49.25 Bench10
Average number of parities AP 4.56 (100/SRR)*LSY
Cost of replacing a gilt (£) CG 157.62 Bench09

Feed parameters
Sow feed consumption per year (kg) FQS 1232 Bench10
Sow feed price/tonne (£) FPS 162.87 Bench10
Grower feed price/tonne (£) FPG 202.55 Bench10
Feed conversion of a H-S pig FCRHS 2.39 Bench10
Feed consumed per H-S pig (kg) FQHS 225.85 FCRHS*(Wt1 − Wt0)
Feed consumed per day per H-S pig (kg) DFQHS 1.61 FQHS/T1
Appetite loss of a PMWS-D and PMWS-R pigs during the clinical stage (%) ALPMWS 17 Linked to ζPMWS Linked to ζPMWS Estimated from data of L-2001 study trough the correlation observed between feed intake and average daily gain at pen level. See Appendix 1.
Reduction in feed consumption by subclinical pigs (%) ALSub 10 Linked to ζSub Linked to ζSub Estimated from data of L-2001 study trough the correlation observed between feed intake and average daily gain at pen level. See Appendix 1.
Feed consumed per PMWS-D pig (kg) FQPMWSD 79.37 DFQHS*(1 − (ALPMWS/100))*TPMWSD
Feed consumed per Sub-D pig (Kg) FQSubD 104.86 DFQHS*TSubD
Feed consumed per PMWS-R pig (kg) FQPMWSS 242.31 FQPMWSD + (DFQHS*(T3 − TPMWSD)
Feed consumed per Sub-S pig (kg) FQSubS 259.72 DFQHS*T2
Other parameters
Veterinary multiplication factor VMF 2.74 Beta pert 1–8.06 Average obtained from FO-2011 study. Minimum and maximum values obtained were used to define the stochastic range.
Cost of disposing a dead carcass (£) DC 6 As reported by a farmer in the FO-2011 study.
Penalty on PMWS carcass (pp/kg) PC 8.75 Beta pert 0–35 Average obtained from FO-2011 study. Minimum and maximum values obtained were used to define the stochastic range.
Deadweight average pig price (£/kg) DAPP 1.39 Bench10