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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 May 13.
Published in final edited form as: Mov Disord. 2011 Apr 11;26(7):1206–1217. doi: 10.1002/mds.23709

Table 3.

Studies of cognition in dystonia.

Author, Year Study Type Sample Size Findings Neuro-psychologic al tests Comments
Eldridge, 1970 Case control 14 autosomal recessive dystonia
10 siblings
24 controls
Stastitically significant increase in IQ scores for patients affected with autosomal recessive dystonia IQ test
Taylor, 1991 Case control 20 idiopathic focal dystonia
20 healthy controls
Only explicit memory, speed of information processing affected by high dose anticholinergics NART, WAIS-R, LP, VR, DRT, TT, BSRT, CALT, BC, Item 99 from LNNB, SCWT, VFT, WCST Vulnerability to meds highly age dependent
Hinse, 1996 Case control 15 spasmodic torticollis
15 normal controls
ST pts performed significantly worse on spatial tasks requiring mental manipulation of personal space MW, HRDT, CBTT, VST No significant difference in spatial perception
Ghilardi, 1999 Case control 4 non-manifesting carriers of DYT 1
5 healthy controls
NMC pts had significantly decreased scores for motor and visual sequence learning than HC group ME, MSL, VSL
Ghilardi, 2003 Case control 12 non-manifesting carriers of DYT 1(no hx of psychiatric disease)
12 healthy controls
Sequence learning impaired in carriers with preserved motor performance CCW, RAN, SEQ Overactivation of left PMC, right SMA in NMC patients during sequence learning (PET scan). May be compensating for striatal dysfunction
Jahanshahi, 2003 Case control 10 idiopathic focal dystonia + idiopathic generalized dystonia
12 healthy controls
Significant difference in category fluency and performing dual tasks. Otherwise, preserved executive fxn compared to controls NART, WFT, WCST, SCWT, MDT, SORNS, RNG, VVCAL, PVSAT, DTP Only 1/10 pts on meds (4 mg Artane/day), dystonia group had nonsignificant increase in self reported depression
Scott, 2003 Case series 14 primary dystonia (7 men, 7 women) prior to undergoing GPi deep brain stimulation surgery Baseline impairment with extradimensional set-shifting (prior to DBS surgery), part of CANTAB battery CANTAB, NART, Raven, SDMT, Stroop, TM, BNT, JLO, SCOLP, RMT, AMIPB, DS, CF Not clear if this impairment is functionally significant, or if it improves with GPi surgery. Study not controlled for mood, pain, meds
Balas, 2006 Case control 20 manifesting carriers of DYT1
8 non-manifesting carriers of DYT1
28 matched controls
Symptomatic pts performed better on semantic verbal fluency test, worse on verbal learning test Raven, RAVLT, RCF, PVF, SVF, TMA/B, Stroop, CANTAB, WAIS-III, JLO, PP No difference between nonsymptomatic carriers and controls. Statistically accounted for meds, anxiety levels
Pillon, 2006 Longitudinal cohort 22 primary generalized dystonia undergoing DBS surgery No pre-surgical cognitive decline in executive function. GPi DBS mildly but significantly improved executive fxn. Raven, WAIS-R, GBT, WCST, VFT, TMA/B Improvement either related to DBS or reduction in anticholinergic drugs. 20/22 pts on meds prior to surgery
Allam, 2007 Case control 9 primary cranial dystonia (blepharospasm)
9 healthy controls
Sustained attention deficits prior to botox injections; following injections, no significant difference in sustained attention compared to controls RAVLT, TPT, DSub, DSY, SCWT Executive dysfxn may be related to disrupting effects of symptoms
Bugalho, 2008 Case control 45 idiopathic focal/segmental dystonia
27 healthy controls
More set-shifting deficits in dystonia group, also had significantly more obsessive compulsive symptoms WCST, SCWT, BAT, BVRT No pts on anticholinergic medication
Carbon, 2008 Case control 6 non-manifesting carriers of DYT1
6 healthy controls
NMC pts performed at control levels during sequence learning TSEQ, CCW NMC pts overactivated lateral cerebellum, R inferotemporal cortex, underactivated prefrontal regions
Aleman, 2009 Case control 20 blepharospasm
17 healthy controls
BL pts showed impairment of complex movement planning, motor dexterity, visuospatial working memory, and tactile object recognition WAIS-III, FDT, Raven, LT, LOW I/II, SL, WCST, PP, OMT, DR, TD, Tap Groups matched for severity of depression and education level

AC- anticholinergic; BC-Block Counting Item from Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test; AMIPB- Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery; BAT- Block Assembly Test of WAIS; BL-blepharospasm; BNT- Boston Naming Test; BSRT- Buschke Selective Reminding Test; BVRT- Benton Visual Retention Test; CALT- Conditional Associative Learning Test; CANTAB- Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; CBTT- Corsi’s Block Tapping Test; CCW- matched motor baseline task; CF- Medical College of Georgia Complex Figures; CLTR- Consistent Long-Term Memory; DR- Digital Recognition; DRT-Delayed Recognition Span Test; DS- Digit span; DSub- Digit Subtest of Wechsler Memory Scale-R; DSY- Digit Symbol subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale-R; DTP- dual task performance; FDT- Five Digits Test; GBT- Grober and Buschke test; HC- healthy controls; HRDT- Hebb’s Recurring Digits Test; IFD-idiopathic focal dystonia; IGD-idiopathic generalized dystonia; HC-healthy controls; JLO-judgment of line orientation; LNNB-Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery; LOW I/II- List of Words I and II; LP- Logical Passages; LT- Luria task; MC-manifesting carriers; MDT- missing digit test; ME- motor execution; MSW- motor sequence learning; MW- Mehrfachwahl-Worschatztest; NART- National Adult Reading Test; NMC-non-manifesting carriers; OMT- Oral Making Trails; PET-positron emission tomography; PMC- premotor cortex; PP- Purdue pegboard; PVF- phonemic verbal fluency; PVSAT- Paced Visual Serial Addition Test; RAN – reaction time/motor performance; Raven- Raven’s Matrices; RAVLT- Rey auditory verbal learning test; RCF- Rey complex figure; RMT- Recognition Memory Test; RNG- random number generation; SCOLP- Speed and Capacity of Language Processing test; SCWT-Stroop Colour-Word Test; SDMT- Simple Digit Modalities Test; SEQ – motor learning task; SL- Spatial Location; SMA- supplementary motor area; SORNS-Self-Ordered Random Number Sequences; SVF- semantic verbal fluency; Tap- Tapping Test; TD- Tactile Denomination; TMA/B- Trail-making A and B; TPT- Toulouse-Pieron Test; TSEQ – trial-and-error-guided motor sequence learning task; TT-Tower of Toronto Test; VFT-Verbal Fluency Test; VR-Visual Reproduction; VVCAL- Visual-Visual Conditional Associative Learning; VSL- visual sequence learning; VST- Visuospatial testing; WAIS-R – Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-revised; WAIS-III- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III; WCST-Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; WFT-word fluency test;