Interaction between Foxd3, Sox9 and Snail2. (A) EP of late NTs (35 ss, flank level) with control GFP results in GFP+/Foxd3-NC cells migrating along the dorsolateral pathway (A, arrows). (B,C) Electroporation of Snail2 or Sox9 upregulates Foxd3 in migrating NC cells whose migration is diverted to a ventral path (arrowheads). (D,E) EP of Foxd3 does not induce transcription of either Snail2 or Sox9, and transfected cells migrate ventrally. Arrows point to GFP+ cells negative for the inspected gene. (F-H′) Sixteen hours after EP of young NT (15 ss, flank level) with control GFP, Foxd3 expression is evident in the transfected side (F-F′). EP of a truncated version of Snail2 (Snail2-BD) or of Sox9 fused to the engrailed repressor domain (Sox9-EnR), results in downregulation of Foxd3 in transfected progenitors (G-H′). Scale bars: 50 μm in A,B; 30 μm in C; 40 μm in D; 80 μm in E; 60 μm in F-H′.