Table 3.
Assessing the Methodology of Studies Looking at QOL in LLL Patients
Author | Year | Study design & Evidence levels | Population | Sample Size | Timings of assessments (after cancer diagnosis/treatment | HRQOL Instrument | Efficace Criteria compliant | Psychometric Analysis | Findings |
Katz et al.2 | 2010 | Cohort (non-controlled) Level II |
Patients with LLL secondary to cancer treatment | 10 | Range - Not stated Mean - 13.05 years |
SF-36 | Yes | No | Weight lifting did not improve QOL in patients with LLL |
Kim and Park13 | 2008 | Cohort II | Patients with LLL secondary to gynecological cancer within 5 years of treatment | 57 | Range - 2.4 years Mean - 0.3–4.8 years |
SF-36 | Yes | No | QOL increased significantly in patients with LLL after CDP within 1 month |
De Vries et al.14 | 2009 | Cohort II | Patients having inguinal or axillary SLNB after stage I/II melanoma | 116 | Range - 4–94 months Median - 56.6 months |
EORTC-QLQ-C30 | No | No | No significant difference in QOL in melanoma patients with or without lymphedema after SLNB, but generally a better QOL compared to a normal population. |
Franks et al.15 | 2005 | Prospective Observational III | Patients with LLL (15.2% with previous cancer, 30.4% with leg ulceration) | 164 | Range - Not given Mean - Not given |
SF-36 MOS-Short Form McGill pain questionnaire |
Yes | Yes | QOL improved significantly after 24 weeks in patients having treatment with compression bandaging, but improvement was greater in patients with leg ulceration then cancer patients |
Carmelli & Bartoletti16 | 2011 | Retrospective cohort IV | Patients with melanoma and LLL (men and women) | 12 | Range - 1–4 years post diagnosis Mean - Not given |
IDI-ILA part II | No | Yes | Patients with active lifestyles reported the highest QOL outcomes and those with a BMI>26.5 had a significantly lower QOL after CDP. |
Brouns et al.17 | 2008 | Retrospective IV | Patients having ilio-inguinal lymphadenectomy secondary to cancer | 62 | Range - 6–194 months Mean - 34 months |
No | No | Patients having ilio-inguinal lymphadenectomy report a good QOL postoperatively. Lymphedema present or not has little or no impact on disability level or performing daily activities. |
CDP, complete decongestive physiotherapy; EORTC-QLQ-C30, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core questionnaire version; IDI-ILA, Instituto Dermopatico Dell'Immacolata - Italian Lymphedema Association; LLL, lower limb lymphedema; QOL, quality of life; SF-36, Medical Outcome Study - Short Form, 3.0; SLNB, sentinel lymph node biopsy; WHO-ICF, World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning disability and health).