Analysis of DNA damage in liver and brain of old mice. (A) The majority of the nuclear genes tested demonstrated an age-related decrease in the amount of amplifiable template in liver of 28-month old animals as compared to 4-month old controls. (B) Relative QPCR efficiency, i.e., PCR yield in old vs. young mice did not correlate significantly with gene expression levels. Expression levels were obtained from the GEO database (; dataset GDS3373). (C) QPCR efficiency is highest for genes closer to the centromere. On a scale of 0 to 1, 1 is the most distant position from the centromere. The loci are grouped based on observed age-related changes in QPCR efficiency of liver samples. (D) QPCR efficiency in brain nuclear DNA of 28-old mice versus 4-month old, young controls. (E) QPCR efficiency of a ~10kb mitochondrial fragment in liver and brain of old vs young, control mice. To compensate for copy number, the data shown are normalized to PCR yields of a short, 117 bp mtDNA fragment. (F) QPCR efficiency of the ~10 kb mtDNA fragment in liver and brain of young mice as compared to the 117-bp quantitative real-time PCR (qrtPCR) analysis yields. In all cases, the QPCR assay was performed at least 3 times for each analyzed target/sample; n=10 for young animals and n=8 for old animals. Data shown as average ±SD; asterisk (*) designates statistically significant difference with corresponding control (* - p<0.05; ** - p<0.01; *** - p<0.001).