Fig. 4.
Temporal traces of gaze shifts during (A) R2G; (C) G2Y; and (B, D) Y2Y movements. Each panel plots the average, horizontal position (top) and velocity (bottom) waveforms for gaze (solid curves), head-in-space (dotted curves) and eye-in-head (dashed curves) as a function of time. The target displacement, or the desired gaze shift, was 30° starting from center (A, B) and 60° starting from −30° (C, D). The traces are aligned on gaze onset (the first vertical, dashed line at 100 ms). The remaining four vertical lines, from left to right, mark head movement onset, eye offset, gaze offset and head offset. The velocity criteria used to detect these measures are discussed Section 2.4. For R2G movements (A), eye and gaze offset marks are nearly superimposed. The ripples apparent in the velocity traces around 400 ms for the G2Y and Y2Y conditions resulted from averaging unaligned corrective movements. Data are from monkey CH.