Fig. 1.
Effects of microstimulation of the PPRF region in monkey. a–d Stimulation delivered with the head immobilized. Each panel superimposes several traces (n = 4–5) of horizontal amplitude (top) and velocity (bottom) waveforms of stimulation-evoked movements from four different sites. Stimulation parameters: a 25 µA, 200 ms, 300 Hz; b 20 µA, 400 ms, 300 Hz; c 25 µA, 400 ms, 300 Hz; d 20 µA, 400 ms, 400 Hz. Vertical dashed lines indicate stimulation onset and offset, and horizontal dashed lines mark zero displacement and velocity. The initial position was subtracted from each trace to align the movements. e–h Stimulation delivered with the head unrestrained. Each panel superimposes representative stimulation-evoked movements (n = 3–7) evoked from the same four sites and using the same parameters as above. Top and bottom panels plot horizontal components of representative stimulation-evoked changes in amplitude and velocity, respectively, of gaze (green), head-in-space (blue), and eye-in-head (red)