FIG. 1.
Generation and characterization of armed measles vaccine virus (MeV). (A) Open reading frames encoding super cytosine deaminase (SCD; yeast cytosine deaminase fused to uracil phosphoribosyltransferase) or DsRed were inserted into an empty additional transcription unit (*) at genome position 3 of the Schwarz measles vaccine strain. (B) Cells were infected with MeV-DsRed at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1 and pictures were taken at 2 days postinfection. Mock-infected cells (left panels) and infected cells are shown. The scale bar (1,000 μm) in the top-left panel applies to all panels. (C) Cells were mock-infected or infected with either MeV P-DsRed or MeV P-SCD at an MOI of 0.1 and harvested 54 hr later. Immunoblotting was performed employing antibodies against human vinculin (top panel), MeV N protein (middle panel), or SCD (bottom panel).