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. 2013 Apr 29;6:32. doi: 10.1186/1756-8722-6-32

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

Median age, years (range)
73 (33–91)
WHO diagnosis*, n (%)
16 (10.3)
16 (10.3)
 AML-MRF only
88 (56.8)
13 (8.4)
   Preexisting MDS/MPN or MLD
58 (37.4)
   Preexisting MDS/MPN or MLD + MRC
17 (11.0)
35 (22.6)
Peripheral blood blasts, n (%)
58 (37.4)
 > 0%
97 (62.6)
 Median (range),%
3 (0–90)
Bone marrow blasts, n (%)
26 (16.8)
31 (20.0)
 >30% (off label use)
98 (63.2)
 Median (range),%
35 (0–98)
White blood cell count, n (%)
 Non-MP-AML (< 10 G/l)
122 (78.7)
 MP-AML (> 10 G/l)
33 (21.3)
Transfusion dependence (TD), n (%)
 Any type of TD
101 (65.2)
97 (62.6)
60 (38.7)
56 (36.1)
IPSS cytogenetic risk, n (%)
 Not evaluable
11 (7.1)
91 (58.7)
26 (16.1)
27 (17.4)
MRC cytogenetic risk, n (%)
 Not evaluable
11 (7.1)
3 (1.9)
115 (74.2)
26 (16.8)
Comorbidities, n (%)
 Thromboembolic episodes
21 (13.5)
 Renal insufficiency
29 (18.7)
 Liver disease
20 (12.9)
 Diabetes mellitus
26 (16.8)
 Coronary artery disease
34 (21.9)
15 (9.7)
 Prior/concomitant malignancies
35 (22.6)
Number of comorbidities, n (%)
66 (42.6)
61 (39.4)
 > 3
28 (18.1)
ECOG Prognostic Score, n (%)
 ECOG <2
114 (73.6)
 ECOG ≥2
41 (26.4)
HCT-CI, n (%)
 Low risk
46 (29.7)
 Int. risk
46 (29.7)
 High risk
50 (32.2)
 No data
13 (8.4)
Treatment prior to azacitidine§, n (%)
63 (40.6)
 Erythropoietin stimulating agents
15 (9.7)
19 (12.3)
 Thrombopoietin stimulating agents
1 (0.7)
 Iron chelation therapy
5 (3.2)
3 (1.9)
6 (3.9)
 Low-dose cytarabine
10 (6.5)
 Intensive chemotherapy
60 (38.7)
16 (10.3)
Reason for treatment, n (%)
 1st line treatment
63 (40.6)
 Bridging to allogeneic SCT#
4 (2.6)
 Maintenance after CR to conventional chemotherapy
6 (3.9)
 No CR to/early relapse after conventional chemotherapy
45 (29.0)
 No CR to/early relapse after allogeneic SCT
5 (3.2)
 No CR to other prior treatment 32 (20.6)

t-AML indicates treatment related AML; AML-RCA, AML with recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities; AML-MRF, AML with MDS related features; MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasia; MLD, multilineage dysplasia; MRC, MDS-related cytogenetics; AML-NOS, AML not otherwise specified; MP, myeloproliferative; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NHL, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; CR, complete response; SCT, stem cell transplantation;

*If a patient fulfilled criteria for more than one WHO-category, weighting was performed as follows: t-AML > AML-RCA > AML-MRF.

†BM-blast count was <20%, in those patients with established AML who were refractory to, -or had no CR after-, conventional chemotherapy or allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

‡Pre-treatment cytogenetics were available in 92% of patients and were determined by conventional metaphase karyotyping (46%), interphase-FISH (16%), or both (38%).

§Numbers may add up to >100% as multiple selections were possible.

#None of the patients for whom azacitidine was intended as bridging was in complete remission to prior therapies, and all patients had relapsed after multiple lines of intensive chemotherapy; only one of these patients proceeded to allogeneic SCT (the others died whilst still on, or within 8 weeks after termination of azacitidine treatment due to disease progression and/or infectious complications).