(A) Sox2 mRNA levels at day 10 post-infection with LV containing either SS18/SS18-SSX variants or shRNAs to BAF complex subunits. (Normalized to GAPDH; ***p<0.005, **p<0.01). See also Figure S4A.
(B) Time course of Sox2, Oct4, and Nanog mRNA levels post-infection with SS18-SSX-containing LV. (Normalized to GAPDH; error bars reflect s.d. in n=5 separate experiments)
(C) shRNA-mediated knock-down of Sox2 in Aska-SS cells: top, immunoblot analysis; bottom, Sox2 mRNA levels.
(D) Proliferative analysis of Aska-SS cells treated with Sox2 shRNA KD LV. Control, shScramble.
(E) Left, Immunoblot analysis on Aska-SS cells treated with shControl or with either shSS18-SSX1 or shSox2-1; Right, Sox2 mRNA relative expression (normalized to GAPDH).
(F) Left, anti-BAF155 ChIP on human primary fibroblasts treated with either empty vector or SS18-SSX1, with subsequent qPCR for regions at the human Sox2 promoter and two Sox2 transcription factor (TF) binding sites within the exon. Right, anti-H3K27me3 ChIP. Error bars, s.d. of n=3 experiments. See also Figure S4B,C.