Table 5. Functional categories and corresponding DEGs in high androstenone testis tissues.
Function | Number of genes | p-value* | Genes |
Molecular transport | 9 | 1.00E-05 to 4.96E-02 | HBB, HBD, HBA1/HBA2, CYP4A11, EDN1, MARCO, AMN, CD44, CD5 |
Small molecule biochemistry | 12 | 1.00E-05 to 4.95E-02 | HBB, HBD, ARG2, HBA1/HBA2,CYP4B1, MX1, CYTL1, CYP4A11, MARCO, MSMO1, DSP |
Amino acid metabolism | 4 | 3.80E-04 to 3.48E-02 | ARG2, EDN1, HAL, FRK |
Embryonic development | 4 | 6.80E-04 to 4.40E-02 | HBB, HBD, CYTL1, EDN1 |
Carbohydrate metabolism | 3 | 7.54E-04 to 4.96E-02 | CD244, EDN, CYTL1 |
Lipid metabolism | 7 | 7.54E-04 to 4.96E-02 | CD244, EDN1, CYP4A11, HBB, MARCO, MSMO1, DSP |
Reproductive system development and function | 2 | 1.95E-03 to 4.96E-02 | NQO1, TNC |
Protein synthesis | 3 | 1.03E-02 to 2.70E-02 | HBA1/HBA2, HBB, ADAMTS4 |
Energy production | 2 | 1.64E-03 to 2.43E-02 | EDN1, MARCO |
Vitamin and mineral metabolism | 3 | 1.50E-02 to 2.37E-02 | EDN1, CD244, CD5 |
Numbers in the p-value column showed a range of p-values for the genes from each category.