(A) Coalignment of 6K2 vesicles on the actin microfilaments labelled by mTalin-CFP or mTalin-mRFP. Frames I through IV, 6K2-YFP was transiently expressed with mTalin-CFP in N. benthamiana leaves. Chl, chloroplast. Frames V through VIII, mTalin-mRFP was transiently expressed in N. benthamiana leaves infected by TuMV::6K2-GFP. (B) The effects of expression of the myosin XI-K tails, a dominant-negative mutant of XI-K or XI-2, on the formation of chloroplast aggregates induced by the 6K2 protein. Frames I–III, 6K2-YFP was transiently expressed alone. Frames IV–VI, 6K2-GFP was expressed in the presence of TuMV infection (using the TuMV::6K2-GFP infectious clone). Bars, 8 µm.