Figure 3.
SKOV3.ip1-GFP and RFP cells injected sequentially emphasize the importance of tumor cell-cell adhesion. About 2.5 million SKOV3.ip1-GFP cells were injected into nude mice and allowed to grow for 1 week before injection of an equal number of SKOV3.ip1-RFP cells. Tumors were imaged 1 week later. (A) SKOV3.ip1-RFP cells preferentially adhere to and coat existing GFP-positive tumors on the omentum. (B) Similar to the omentum, SKOV3.ip1-RFP cells preferentially adhere to existing GFP-positive tumors on the spleen. (C) On the mesentery, RFP-positive cells form new tumors (white arrows) as well as adhering to existing tumors. Int, small intestine (autofluorescent).