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. 2013 Jun;31(2):119–127. doi: 10.3109/02813432.2013.797178

Table II.

Effect of comprehensive diabetes programme on diabetes outcome measures, lifestyle, and quality of life after 14 months’ follow-up.a

Intervention Usual care Difference between groupsb 95% CI p-value
M SD n M SD n
Outcome measures:
HbA1c, % 7.3 0.7 129 7.4 1.0 197 0.13 −0.08 – 0.35 0.221
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 141.5 17.0 120 137.8 15.8 185 −1.98 −5.63 – 1.67 0.279
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 79.5 8.4 120 77.6 9.2 120 −1.17 −3.41 – 1.07 0.294
LDL, mmol/l 2.6 0.8 106 2.4 0.6 178 −0.15 −0,32 – −0.02 0.081
Total cholesterol, mmol/l 4.5 1.0 122 4.2 0.8 186 −0.21 −0.41 – 0.00 0.051
BMI, kg/m2 30.2 4.0 106 30.5 4.6 179 0.36 −0.19 – 0.90 0.198
Alcohol, units/dayc 2.2 1.0 58 2.2 1.1 95 0.04 −0.14 – 0.23 0.647
Fat score, g/day 13.9 5.4 105 14.2 6.1 163 0.19 −0.82 – 1.21 0.708
Vegetables, tablespoons/day 3.1 1.6 102 3.1 1.5 165 0.10 −0.21 – 0.41 0.518
Fruit, pieces/day 1.8 1.1 119 1.7 1.2 173 −0.02 −0.26 – 0.22 0.884
Physical activity, minutes/day 62.8 69.6 124 59.1 51.3 171 −1.15 −12.26 – 9.97 0.839
Pam scored
Low activity, minutes/day 78.3 40.3 78 78.8 39.8 120 −2.70 −10.52 – 5.14 0.498
Medium activity, minutes/day 22.5 27.0 78 22.6 20.2 120 −1.46 −6.80 – 3.89 0.592
High activity, minutes/day 0.4 0.9 78 1.0 6.5 120 0.18 −0.65 – 1.01 0.669
Diary activity, minutes/day 152.9 97.6 84 157.4 89.0 128 −19.36 −39.97 – 1.26 0.066
Quality of life:
VAS score 75.3 16.2 111 73.5 13.6 171 −1.27 −4.50 1.97 0.441

Notes: aAdjusted for baseline measures, nurses’ years of experience, and cluster effects. bDifference between intervention and usual care group (reference group). cOnly people who reported alcohol consumption. dPam score = Personal activity meter score.