Summary of the IC50 values for Mg2+, memantine, MK-801, PhTX-343 and methoctramine block of the NMDA receptor subunit combinations tested. IC50s were obtained from the concentration–inhibition curves given in Figs. 4–8 for GluN1-1a/2A, GluN1-1a/2A/3A and GluN1-1a/2A/3B, and in Supplementary Fig. 3 for GluN1-1a/2A/3A(G729N) and GluN1-1a/2A/3A(R730N). Bars show IC50 (μM) ± 95% CI. Numbers in parentheses are the number of oocytes. Statistical comparisons were made with GluN1-1a/2A (*) or with GluN1-1a/2A/3A (†) with significance of difference accepted for *,†P < 0.05, **,††P < 0.01, ***,†††P < 0.001.