Fig. 1.
Characterization of MAbs 11–2 and 14–29 and calibration of the ELISA. (A) Western blotting of serum preincubated into ELISA wells coated with MAb 11–2 (10 μg/ml) and eluted with SDS-PAGE loading buffer under reducing (red.) and non-reducing conditions (non-red.). Blots were developed with biotinylated MAbs 14–29 (1), 11–2 (2) or the control MAb (3). (B) A calibrator curve was made of serial dilutions of culture supernatant from cells expressing recombinant CL-11. It was compared with serial dilutions of two batches of purified recombinant CL-11. The CL-11 concentration of purified CL-11 was adjusted to best fit with OD values of the calibrator. The samples were tested in duplicates. (C) To analyze parallelism, a linear regression was fitted to logistically transformed OD values (R2 > 0.97 for all curves) and used for comparisons of the slopes (see Materials and methods). The logistically transformed OD values are presented in arbitrary units (AU).