Fig. 2. Both EtOH and PRAS40 knockdown decrease basal protein synthesis.
C2C12 myocytes were transfected with scrambled shRNA or shRNA specifically targeting PRAS40. Panel A, PRAS40 knockdown decreased phosphorylation of PRAS40 at T246, S183 and levels of total PRAS40. Levels of P- Akt (T308, S473) and IRS-1 were also decreased in PRAS40 knockdown cells. Panel B, quantitated data are presented in bar graphs. Panel C, PRAS40 knockdown and scrambled control cells were labeled with [35S] methionine/cysteine in the presence or absence of 100 mM EtOH. Bar graphs represent the mean ± SE of 4 independent experiments consisting of 3 replicate samples per experiment. Groups with different letters are significantly different from one another (* P< 0.05). Group with the same letters are not significantly different.