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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jun 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Surg Oncol. 2013 Jan 22;20(6):2049–2055. doi: 10.1245/s10434-012-2856-7


Characteristics of 281 patients who underwent ILND for cutaneous melanoma and 40 patients who developed a wound complication, and the association of each factor with wound complication in univariate analysis

Characteristic All patients (n = 281)
Patients with a wound complication (n = 40)
p Value
Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
Age (yr), mean (SD) 55 (15.4) 58.4 (11.5) 0.13
Sex (n = 280) 0.61
 Female 165 58.9% 22 13.3%
 Male 115 41.1% 18 15.7%
Race (n = 247) 0.64
 White 235 95.1% 33 14%
 Nonwhite 12 4.9% 7 16.7%
Preoperative health
BMI (n = 277) < 0.01
 Normal weight (BMI < 25) 74 26.7% 4 5.4%
 Overweight (BMI 25–30) 95 34.3% 10 10.5%
 Obese (BMI > 30) 108 39% 25 23.1%
Diabetesa 0.05
 No 251 87.4% 32 12.7%
 Yes 30 12.6% 8 26.7%
Smokerb 0.14
 No 223 79.4% 28 12.6%
 Yes 58 20.6% 12 20.7%
Alcohol drinkerc 1
 No 270 96.1% 39 14.4%
 Yes 11 3.9% 1 9.1%
Dyspnead 0.68
 No 269 95.7% 38 14.1%
 Yes 12 4.3% 2 16.7%
Functional statuse
 Independent 277 98.6%
 Partially dependent 4 1.4%
 No 278 98.9%
 Yes 3 1.1%
CHF 0 0%
CADf 0.14
 No 265 94.3% 40 15.1%
 Yes 16 5.7% 0 0%
 No 278 98.9%
 Yes 3 1.1%
Renal failureg 0 0%
Hypertensionh 0.11
 No 187 66.5% 22 11.8%
 Yes 94 33.5% 18 19.1%
History of strokei 0.7
 No 267 95% 39 14.6%
 Yes 14 5% 1 7.1%
Steroid usej
 No 277 98.6%
 Yes 4 1.4%
Bleeding disorder 1
 No 273 97.2% 39 14.3%
 Yes 8 2.8% 1 12.5%
Chemo within 30 daysk 1.00
 No 274 97.5% 39 14.2%
 Yes 7 2.5% 1 14.3%
Operation within 30 daysl 0.75
 No 261 92.9% 38 14.6%
 Yes 20 7.1% 2 10.0%
Laboratory valuesm
 WBC (n = 239)
 WBC <4.500 11 4.6%
 WBC 4.500–11,000 221 92.5%
 WBC >11,000 7 2.9%
 Albumin (n = 168)
 < 3.4 7 4.2%
 > 3.4 161 95.8%
Operative variables
Extent of ILNDn 0.02
 Superficial 235 83.6% 28 11.9%
 Superficial + deep 46 16.4% 12 26.1%
Wound class 1
 Clean 269 95.7% 39 14.5%
 Clean-contaminated 12 4.3% 1 8.3%
ASA class 0.45
 1 No disturb 33 11.7% 3 9.1%
 2 Mild disturb 163 58% 22 13.5%
 > 3 Severe disturb 85 30.2% 15 17.6%
Site of melanomao 0.73
 Trunk 62 22.2% 8 12.9%
 Lower extremity 173 62% 27 15.6%

BMI body mass index, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CHF congestive heart failure; CAD coronary artery disease, PVD peripheral vascular disease, WBC white blood cell count, ASA American Society of Anesthesiology, INLD inguinal lymph node dissection


Diabetes mellitus requiring treatment


Used cigarettes in the year prior


>2 drinks/day in the 2 weeks before admission


Difficult, painful, or labored breathing


Ability to perform activities of daily living


As presence of angina 1 month prior, myocardial infarction 6 months prior, previous percutaneous cardiac intervention, or previous cardiac surgery


Acute or on dialysis


Requiring treatment


History of stroke with or without residual deficit or transient ischemic attack


Steroid use for a chronic condition


Chemotherapy for malignancy within 30 days before surgery


Major operation within 30 days


Drawn within 90 days before the surgical procedure


Defined by CPT codes


Site of primary melanoma, as specified by the ICD-9-CM code