Figure 5. Effects of mutations at the SBE and/or FBE within the follistatin intronic enhancer.
(A) Partial DNA sequences of the intron 1 of the human and rat follistatin genes with a mutation in the SBE (mutant 1), FBE (mutant 2), or both the SBE and FBE (mutant 3) of the rFS (0.3ex45)-luc reporter plasmid used for this study. The wild type sequences at and surrounding the SEB and FBE of the human and rat genes are identical. (B–D) COV434 cells were transfected with mutant 1 (B), 2 (C) or 3 (D) of the rFS(0.3ex45)-luc reporter in combination with Myc-Smad3, Flag-FOXL2wt, Flag-FOXL2C134W or an empty vector as indicated. Following transfection, cells were treated with vehicle or 100 ng/ml GDF-9 for 8 hr. Each experiment contained triplicate wells and values shown are mean ± SEM of 3 replicate experiments. Different letters indicate a significant difference between transfection conditions (p<0.05). # indicates a significant (p<0.05) effect of GDF-9 treatment compared with untreated cells within each transfection condition.