Figure 1. MEMRI demonstrates variable defects in the Gbx2-CKO mouse brain.
(a) 3D volume renderings of MEMRI data acquired at P11 in wildtype (WT) and Gbx2-CKO mice. (b) 2D mid-sagittal sections through each cerebellum, illustrating the variable midline deletions in the Gbx2-CKO mutant mice, from a mild to severe (left to right) reduction of the central vermis region. Individual vermis lobules are labeled in roman numerals (I to X), as well as the four hemisphere lobules: simplex, Sim; crusI, CI; crusII, CII; paramedian, Pmd. Other labels: brainstem, BS; cortex, C; flocculus-paraflocculus, Fl-Pfl; inferior colliculus, IC; superior colliculus, SC.