Figure 3. Digital dissections show variable cerebellum and midbrain phenotypes.
3D caudal renderings of cerebellum (left) and midbrain (right) for individual wildtype (WT) and two Gbx2-CKO mutant mice (mild and severe), each imaged at P7 and P11. Midline defects in the mutants (arrows) appeared with variable severity, and were accompanied by changes in vermis (V) patterning, and reduced hemisphere (H) and flocculus-paraflocculus (Fl-Pfl) volumes. The cerebellar defects were accompanied by changes in midbrain anatomy, namely an elongation posteriorly of the superior colliculus (SC) and an elongation laterally of the inferior colliculus (IC). Dashed lines show the approximate position of the border between the V and H in the cerebellum, and between the IC and SC in the midbrain. Labels: lateral, L; medial, M.