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. 2013 May 11;3(5):e002387. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002387

Table 1.

Child development outcomes measured by EDI

EDI domains/subdomains Expected behaviour
Physical health and well-being
 Physical readiness for school day Usually dressed appropriately for school and not tired, late or hungry
 Physical independence Can look after own personal needs appropriately; established hand preference, well coordinated, and does not suck a thumb/finger
 Gross and fine motor skills Physically able to participate in school and excellent or good gross and fine motor skills
Social competence
 Overall social competence Very good ability to play and get along with various children; usually cooperative and self-confident
 Responsibility and respect Respect for others and for property; follows rules and takes care of materials; accepts responsibility for actions, and shows self-control
 Approaches to learning Can work neatly, independently, and solve problems; follows instructions and class routines; easily adjusts to changes
 Readiness to explore new things Curious about the surrounding world, and eager to explore new books, toys and games
Emotional maturity
 Pro-social and helping behaviour Helping someone hurt, sick or upset; offering to help spontaneously; inviting bystanders to join in
 Anxious and fearful behaviour Seldom or never showing anxious behaviours; happy and able to enjoy school; comfortable being left at school by caregivers
 Aggressive behaviour Seldom or never showing aggressive behaviours; not using aggression to solve conflict, not having temper tantrums, and not mean to others
 Hyperactivity and inattention Not showing hyperactive behaviours; able to concentrate, attend to chosen activities, wait their turn, and usually think before doing
Language and cognitive
 Basic literacy skills Has basic literacy skills: can handle a book, identify some letters and attach sounds to some letters, show awareness of rhyming words, know the writing directions, and write their own name
 Interest literacy/numeracy and memory Showing interest in books and reading, math and numbers, and no difficulty remembering things
 Advanced literacy skills Can read simple, complex words or sentences, write voluntarily, write simple words or sentences
 Basic numeracy skills Can count to 20, recognise shapes and numbers, compare numbers, sort and classify, use one-to-one correspondence, and understand simple time concepts
Communication and general knowledge
 Communication and general knowledge Can communicate easily and effectively, can participate in storytelling or imaginative play, articulate clearly, show adequate general knowledge, and is proficient in their native language