Fig. 2.
Genomic structure of the GRP region in six Brassicaceae species. Coding regions numbered as in A. thaliana (top) are indicated by filled boxes for each species (rows); At, A. thaliana; Aa1 and Aa2, two different sequences from A. arenosa; Op, O. pumila; Cr, C. rubella; Si, S. irio; Bo, B. oleracea. B. oleracea GRP names are indicated (bottom) (3). Pink shading connects homologous genes. Blue lines indicate introns. Exon shading for A. thaliana: GRPs, red; flanking genes, black; transposons, yellow. Green symbols represent deletions (triangles) or insertions (boxes) as compared with A. thaliana; blue boxes are pseudogenes. The direction of transcription is indicated for A. thaliana genes and for gene insertions in other species (arrows).