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. 2012 Oct 17;21(6):602–612. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.230

Table 2. Clinical features of patients with interstitial or associated distal 2q37 deletions.

Patient P8a P9a P12a P14a Total cases (associated) P5 (interstitial)
2q37 Deletion sizeb (Mb) 5 4.8 3.9 2.6   1.1
Cytogenetic localization der(2)t(2;6)(q37.3;p25.3) der(2)t(2;3)(q37.3;q29) der(2)t(2;21)(q37.3;qter) der(2)dup(2)(q37.2q37.3)del(2)(q37.3)   del(2)(q37.2q37.2)
Parental origin of deleted allele Mat NA Pat Mat 1Pat/2Mat NA
Sex M M F M 3 M/1 F M
Age at evaluation 7 years 10 months 16 years 16 years 1/2 7 years 10 months   7 years 10 months
Global developmental delay Moderate Mild Moderate Mild 4/4 Mild
Hypotonia Axial Distal muscular weakness 2/4
Autistic spectrum disorders Stereotypies, light obsession Obsessive disorders 2/4
Other behavioural problems Ag, frustration intolerance, AD, sleeping difficulties ADHD, sleeping difficulties NA 2/3
Growth parameters
 IUGR + 1/4
 Short stature (<−2 SD) + 1/4
 Thinness vs obesity/overweight BMI-for-agec Overweight 18.3 (+1.5 SD) Overweight 1/4 Obesity 20.7 (>+2 SD)
Skeletal abnormalities
 Brachydactyly (hand/foot rays) 3, 4/4 3, 4, 5/2, 3, 4, 5 4/4, 5 3/4
 Broad hallux + + + 3/4
 Joint hypermobility + + 2/4
 Asymmetrical limbs + 1/4
Facial dysmorphism
 Low and uncombable frontal hair 0/4
 Frontal bossing + + + 3/4
 Thin and arched eyebrows + 1/4
 Narrow palpebral fissures 0/4
 V-shaped appearence of nasal tip + + + 3/4
 Hypoplastic alae nasi 0/4
 Smooth philtrum + + + 3/4
 Thin upper lip + + + + 4/4
 Broad and square chin + 1/4
 Full cheeks + 1/4
 Deep-set ears + + 2/4
 Other Cryptorchidism, inguinal H, pyloric stenosis, WSN, congenital torticollis, clubfoot, oculomotor dyspraxia Abnormal teeth enamel, umbilical H Seizures Cryptorchidism, left megaureter, long fingers, livedo   Retrocerebellar cyst

Abbreviations: AD, attention deficit; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Ag, aggressiveness; BMI, body mass index; F, female; H, hernia; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation; M, male; Mat, maternal; NA, not available; Pat, paternal; WSN, wide-spaced nipples.


Non-isolated 2q37 deletion.


Minimal deleted region.


WHO reference curves 2007.