Figure 2.
pBcl-2/(Bcl-2+Mcl-1) provides the most significant linear correlation for the sensitivity to S1, both in primary and established cells. (A) Primary leukaemic cells derived from 41 patients were incubated with S1 (0–50 μℳ). Cell survival was assessed by Annexin V binding, as determined by flow cytometric analysis. The lethal dose 50 values were calculated, and each data pillar represents one patient sample. Based on cell LD50 data, the response to S1 was classified as: resistant (>30 μℳ), intermediate (15–30 μℳ) and sensitive (<15 μℳ). (B) pBcl-2/(Bcl-2+Mcl-1) ratios in function of S1 sensitivity (LD50) of 41 primary leukaemia samples. Spearman's correlation (r) and P-values are shown. Relative protein quantification was carried out with Kodak Carestream Molecular Imaging software. (C) pBcl-2/(Bcl-2+Mcl-1) radio in resistant, intermediate and sensitive group. (D) Analysis of pBcl-2/(Bcl-2+Mcl-1) ratio as a function of S1 sensitivity (LD50) of leukaemia cell lines. Spearman's correlation (r) and P-values are shown. *** indicates P<0.001, extremely significant.