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. 2013 May 20;8(5):e63392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063392

Figure 4. Transgenerational immune priming effects on weight and developmental time of unchallenged Manduca sexta offspring.

Figure 4

Change (increase/decrease) in weight (A) and developmental time (B) of offspring derived from naive parents and offspring of PBS- or PGN-treated parents were calculated for each offspring stage of each parental group as ratio = (Individual weight or developmental time of offspring of the respective parental treatment group)/(Mean weight or developmental time of offspring derived from naive parents). Larval weight was determined at the last day of each instar, whereas pupal and adult weight was determined at the first day of the respective stage. Value 1 is labelled by a line that indicates no change in weight or developmental time compared to offspring derived from naive parents. Female and male parents received a priming treatment in their pupal stage: Naive) untreated, PBS) control-injected with phosphate buffered saline, PGN) injected with peptidoglycan. If the symbol for offspring of naive parents is not visible, it is overlaid by another symbol. Mean ratios ± SE are given. N = 18 individuals of each developmental stage except for adults N = 9 from each parental group. Means of absolute data of offspring weight and developmental time are shown in Table S9 in File S1. Differences between the parental priming treatments and the offspring developmental stages were compared by Generalized linear model (Table 4) and post hoc analyses U-test (Table S10 weight, table S11 developmental time in File S1).