Nonretinal neurospheres retain an anterior neural identity. (A,
B): Nonretinal neurospheres expressed markers indicative of neural progenitor fate such as SOX1 and PAX6 after 25 days of differentiation. Magnification, ×20. (C): Further analysis of these cells demonstrated their anterior neural phenotype based on the expression of OTX2. Magnification, ×20. (D): At this stage of differentiation, the first expression of neuronal-specific markers such as βIII-tubulin was observed. The arrows in (C,
D) indicated that βIII-tubulin-positive neurons had lost the expression of progenitor-associated transcription factors such as OTX2. Magnification, ×20. (E): Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated that these cells expressed a variety of anterior neural transcription factors. (F): Quantification of immunocytochemistry experiments performed on nonretinal neurospheres revealed similar percentages of cells within aggregates expressing each indicated transcription factor. Abbreviations: FF, feeder-free; MEF, mouse embryonic fibroblast; XF, xeno-free.