EGFP is expressed in the retina from the new transgenes. EGFP was immunolocalized in the retinal sections of wild-type fish (Panel a) and the five transgenic lines (Panels b-f). Only a low level of autofluorescence was observed in the AB and Tg(h2afv:EGFP)nt13 lines (Panels a and b, respectively), which confirmed the silencing of the h2afv:EGFP transgene (Thummel et al. 2006b). In contrast, EGFP was immunolocalized throughout the retina in the Tg(tbp:EGFP) nt17, Tg(tbnl:EGFP)nt16, Tg(eef1g:EGFP)nt15, and Tg(bactin1:EGFP)nt14 lines (Panels c-f). ROS, rod outer segments; CC, cone cell layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer