Table 1.
Analytic steps for PROSPER cost analysis
Step | Method | Result |
1. Definition | Integrate PROSPER sustainability and CPPOA models Project goals and purpose → outcomes Project objectives and strategies → processes Project procedures → procedures Project activity-costs → costs |
Analytic CPPOA structure |
2. Bounding | Delineate bounds of analysis Perspectives: local team, Cooperative Extension, University team, and societal Analytic horizon: project years 1–5 (2002–2006) Scope: costs directly related to sustaining quality programming and well-functioning teams |
Boundaries of analysis |
3. Identification | Conduct qualitative cost analysis Classification of 16 project procedures Classification of 116 project activities |
Integrative Cost Matrix (ICM) |
4. Quantification | Account for project financial costs and resource consumption Removal of first copy and research expenditures Application of activity-based costing procedure (ABC) Allocation of resource consumption to team-and program-level procedures |
Estimates of project expenditures by activity |
5. Valuation | Estimate opportunity costs and adjust for market imperfections Opportunity costs: team co-leader, team member, participants Market adjustments: inflation |
Estimate of economic costs |
6. Sensitivity analysis | Employ extreme-scenario and one-way sensitivity analyses Assumption 1: allocation rate of university personnel costs to implementation activities Assumption 2: allocation rate of university overhead to implementation activities Assumption 3: allocation rate of university expenses to implementation activities Assumption 3: cost of family curriculum |
Final cost estimate |