Table 1.
Aromatic therapy (B) | Prophetic medicine (S) | Acupuncture (B) |
Ayurveda (B) | Islamic medicine (S) | Aikido (B) |
Chiropractic therapy (B) | Cupping therapy (B) | Biochemics (B) |
Touch therapy (B) | Laser therapy (B) | Bioelectromagnetic (B) |
Arabic-Hakim medicine (B) | Moxa therapy (B) | Chiropody (B) |
Lymphatic drainage massage (B) | Polar therapy (B) | Absent healing (S) |
Reflexology (B) | Bach’s flower therapy | Contact healing (S) |
Homeopathy (B) | Macrobiotic diet therapy (B) | Dance therapy (B) |
Ionic therapy (B) | Bates exercise (B) | Eckankar (S) |
Rising sun physical therapy (B) | Air therapy (B) | Mind power (S) |
Shiatsu (Japanese massage) (B) | Mineral water therapy (B) | Palmistry (S) |
Camel milk and urine therapy (B) | Hypnosis (M) | Paradox therapy (S) |
Uncooked foods therapy (B) | Yoga (B) | Structural integration (B) |
Tai chi (B) | Herbal medicine (B) | Tantric medicine (B) |
Faith therapy (S) | Fasting (B) | Lotte Berk method (B) |
Reiki massage (B) | Hobbies therapy (B) | Lakhovsky oscillatory coils (B) |
Spiritual healing (S) | Energy therapy (B) | Ionization (B) |
Healthy nutrition therapy (B) | Ozone therapy (B) | Sleep therapy (B) |
Healing by steam bath, sauna (B) | Water spraying (B) | Homeopathy (B) |
Laughing therapy (B) | Visualization therapy (M) | Gravitonics (B) |
Dream therapy (M) | Biorecovery therapy (B) | Feldenkrais (B) |
Honey therapy (B) | Pyramidal energy (B) | Autosuggestion (M) |
Bee sting therapy (B) | Bee product therapy (B) | Apple cider vinegar and honey (B) |
Vitamin therapy (B) | Intuition sciences (M) | Alexander method (B) |
Iriodology (B) | Chiropractic therapy (B) | Adlerian analysis (M) |
Mineral therapy (B) | Natural therapy (M) | Alexandrian analysis (M) |
Cauterization (B) | Bone setting (B) | Astrology (M) |
Cellular mineral therapy (B) | Medical massage (B) | Bioenergetics (B) |
Osteopathy (B) | Chiropractic skull therapy (B) | Biofeedback training (B) |
Art therapy (M) | Traditional Chinese medicine (B) | Direct decision therapy (M) |
Insect therapy (M) | Color therapy (M) | Ericksonian analysis (M) |
Clay therapy (M) | Zen macrobiotics (B) | Existential analysis (M) |
Frommian analysis (M) | Gestalt therapy (M) | Graphology (B) |
Polarity therapy (M) | Sex therapy (M) | Hornevian therapy (M) |
Rediesthesia (M) | Enlightened healing (S) | Imagery therapy (M) |
Reich’s orgone therapy (M) | Evangelistic healing (S) | Jungian analysis (M) |
Rikli’s sunshine cure (M) | Paradox therapy (S) | Logotherapy (M) |
Rationale therapy (S) | Pecci-Hoffman’s therapy (S) | Maslovian analysis (M) |
Scientology (S) | Primal therapy (S) | Mensendick system (M) |
Spiritualists (S) | Rankian therapy (M) | Napropathy (B) |
Sullivanian analysis (M) | Transactional analysis (M) | Phrenology (B) |
Zen (S) | Phrenosophical spiritual healing (S) |
Note: Many of these therapies overlap mind (M), body (B), and spirit (S) concepts.