Figure 3. 17-BMP inhibition of LPS-stimulated cytokine transcription.
Lung macrophages (COPD n = 4 and S n = 3) were treated with LPS (1 ug/ml) for 4, 6, 24 and 48 h and CXCL8 and TNFα mRNA levels were measured. Data are presented as fold change over time compared to time matched unstimulated controls for (A) TNFα and (B) CXCL8. The effect of 17-BMP on (C) TNFα transcription and (D) CXCL8 transcription was also analysed and presented as % Inhibition of LPS-induced TNF fold increase. * = significantly above time matched unstimulated control (p<0.05) ** = significantly above time matched unstimulated control (p<0.01).