Table 1 . Notation used in the article.
Notation | Meaning | Type |
i | Index of an individual | Basic notation |
ℓ | Index of a locus | Basic notation |
k, h | Index of an allele | Basic notation |
N | No. individuals | Basic notation |
L | No. loci | Basic notation |
Kℓ | No. distinct alleles at locus ℓ | Basic notation |
Aℓk, Aℓh | Allele k (h) at locus ℓ | Basic notation |
X | Missing data (dropout) | Basic notation |
γiℓ | Dropout probability at locus ℓ of individual i | Basic notation |
wiℓ | Observed genotype at locus ℓ of individual i | Observed data point |
W | Observed genotypes, W = {wiℓ} | Observed data set |
giℓ | True genotype at locus ℓ of individual i | Latent variable |
siℓ | IBD state at locus ℓ of individual i | Latent variable |
ziℓ | Dropout state at locus ℓ of individual i | Latent variable |
G | True genotypes, G = {giℓ} | Latent variable set |
S | IBD states, S = {siℓ} | Latent variable set |
Z | Dropout states, Z = {ziℓ} | Latent variable set |
ρ | Inreeding coefficient | Parameter |
φℓk | Frequency of allele Aℓk | Parameter |
γi⋅ | Sample-specific dropout rate for individual i | Parameter |
γ⋅ℓ | Locus-specific dropout rate for locus ℓ | Parameter |
Φ | Allele frequencies, Φ = {φℓk} | Parameter set |
Γ | Dropout rates, Γ = {γi⋅, γ⋅ℓ} | Parameter set |
Ψ | Model parameters, Ψ = {ρ, Φ, Γ} | Parameter set |
nℓk | No. independent copies of allele Aℓk | Summary statistic |
diℓ | No. dropouts at locus ℓ for individual i | Summary statistic |
di⋅ | No. sample-specific dropouts for individual i | Summary statistic |
d⋅ℓ | No. locus-specific dropouts at locus ℓ | Summary statistic |
s | No. genotypes having two alleles IBD | Summary statistic |
i ε {1, 2, …, N}, ℓ ε {1, 2, … , L}, and k, h ε {1, 2, … , Kℓ}.