Fig. 5.
Pharmacokinetic analysis of anle138b. (a, b) A single dose of anle138b was applied to non-infected C57/BL6 mice as indicated in the figure legends. In detail, intraperitoneal application was performed using 1 mg compound in 25 μl DMSO, oral application by gavage was done with 1 mg compound in 10 μl DMSO + 40 μl vegetable oil, and oral application of 1 mg as well as 5 mg compound in peanut butter was done by providing the compound dissolved in 10 μl DMSO mixed with 200 μl peanut butter. At different time points after application (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h) two animals per group and time point were sacrificed and the amount of compound in the serum (a) and brain (b) was measured by LC-MSMS. c From the results obtained following i.p. application, half-life of anle138b in serum and brain was calculated. d Calculation of AUC values. To facilitate comparison with the groups receiving a dose of 1 mg, for the group receiving 5 mg anle138b (green columns) we also provide the calculated AUC values per 1 mg (column: “(5 mg)/5”)