Hypothetical dependences of the mean dominance durations of two percepts occurring during perceptual bistability as a function of the stimulus parameters. (a) An idealized time course of bistable perception reversals when both percepts are equi-dominant with the same mean dominance duration Teq. (b) Three possible ways in which decrements of a stimulus parameter that reduces the fraction of dominance of percept B can result in variations of the mean dominance durations of the two percepts. While the top panel suggests that reducing μB results in a shortening of the mean dominance duration of percept B, TB, the middle suggests both a shortening of TB and a lengthening of TA, and the bottom panel suggests a pure lengthening of TA, the three cases would lead to the same outcome: a reduction of the fraction of dominance of percept B. (c) The corresponding variations of the mean dominance durations as a function of the stimulus parameter being manipulated, μB.