Fig. 1.
Synergistic effect of GA and proteasome inhibitors on inhibition of cell viability/proliferation in malignant cells. (A) Chemical structure of GA. (B and C) K562 (B) or H22 cells (C) were treated with indicated doses of GA for 48 h, followed by MTS assay. (D and E) K562 (D) or H22 cells (E) were exposed to indicated concentrations of MG262 in the presence or absence of GA (0.4 µM) for 48 h, followed by MTS assay. (F, G) K562 (F) or H22 cells (G) were treated with indicated doses of MG132 in the presence or absence of GA (0.2 or 0.4 µM) for 48 h, followed by MTS assay. (H, I) Combination index (CI) of proteasome inhibitors plus GA in K562 cells (H) or H22 cells (I) was presented. CI < 1 indicates synergistic effect. Bars, SD, mean of four experiments.