Figure 5.
TFEB stimulates lysosomal–autophagosomal fusion and clearance.
Confocal microscopy images of live fibres from GFP-LC3:GAA−/− mice.
Muscle was transfected with mCherry-LAMP1 only. The image (a single frame from the time-lapse series presented in Movie 5) shows lysosomes (red), LC3-positive autophagosomes (green) and a number of autolysosomes (yellow).
Muscle was transfected with Flag-TFEB and mCherry-LAMP1. Massive formation of autolysosomes is indicated by yellow structures; the three lower panels provide a snapshot of the process of exocytosis. The structures at the plasma membrane are labelled with both LC3 and LAMP1, indicating that they represent amphisomes (a product of fusion between autophagic vesicles and late endosomes) or autolysosomes (a product of fusion between autophagic vesicles and lysosomes). Bar: 10 µm for all panels.