Fig. 1.
Transmission electron micrographs of the following viruses: a Icosahedral cowpea mosaic virus. b Rod-shaped tobacco mosaic virus. c Filamentous potato virus X. d Highly flexible grapevine virus A (a single GVA particle is shown). eAcidianus bottle-shaped virus. Reproduced with permission from Praghisvili et al. Nature Reviews 2006 [21]. fAcidianus zipper-like virus. Reproduced with permission from Rachel et al., Arch Virol 2002 [22]. g Acidianius two-tailed virus and its extrusion from the host cell. Reproduced with permission from Praghisvili et al. Nature Reviews 2006 [21]. hSulfolobus neozealandicus droplet-shaped virus. Reproduced with permission from Praghisvili et al., Nature Reviews 2006 [21]. Scale bars are 100 nm