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. 2013 May 16;5:203–213. doi: 10.2147/CEOR.S43393

Table 3.

Resource consumption units by head and neck cancer category and sex in Germany in 2008 (any inconsistencies are due to rounding)

Cancer category (ICD-10 code) Number of hospitalizations Number of inpatient rehabilitations (LOS in days per rehabilitation) Number of sick leaves (duration in days per sick leave)

Males Females Males Females Males Females
Oral cavity (C02–C06) 11,929 4965 937 (24) 451 (25) 3862 (41) 976 (31)
Oropharynx (C01, C09–C10) 14,396 4110 1118 (24) 378 (25) 4339 (35) 680 (35)
Pharynx other (C11–C13) 10,268 1908 691 (24) 105 (25) 2683 (34) 349 (48)
Other sites* (C14) 532 129 62 (24) 10 (25) 207 (49) 52 (45)
Larynx (C32) 13,744 1876 990 (23) 156 (24) 3,754 (35) 592 (26)
Total 50,869 12,988 3798 (23.7) 1100 (24.9) 14,846 (36.0) 2649 (34.0)



Other/ill-defined sites in the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx.

Abbreviations: ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision6; LOS, length of stay.