Figure 3.
Phylogenetic relationship between various class III ACs and GCs. Amino acid sequences of the catalytic regions were aligned using ClustalW133 and represented as an unrooted tree using Fitch (Phylip 3.5; Felsenstein, J., Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle) using E. coli CyaA as an outgroup. Numbers represent bootstrap confidence values of 1000 replicates. The individual catalytic domains from cyclases with two catalytic domains, i.e. C1 and C2, on a single polypeptide chain were analyzed separately. Accession numbers for the aligned amino acid sequences are as follows: human ANP-A (hGCA), P16066; human ANP-B (hGCB), P26594; human sGCα2 (hGCa2), P33402; human sGCα3 (hGCa3), Q02108; human sGCβ1 (hGCb1), Q02153; human sGCβ2 (hGCb2), O75343; human sGCβ3 (hGCb3), NP_000848; human GC-2C (hGCCC), P25092; human GC-2D (hGCD), Q02846; human GC-2F (hGCF), P51841; Plasmodium falciparum GCα (PfGCaC1/C2), NP_705488; P. falciparum GCβ (PfGCbC1/C2), AAN35978; Dictyostelium discoideum gca (DdGcaC1/C2), XP_643824; D. discoideum SgcA (DdSgcAC1/C2), XP_643219; Drosophila melanogaster Gyc32E (DmGC32E), Q07553; D. melanogaster Gyc88E (DmGC88E), NP_731974; D. melanogaster CG31183 (CG31183), NP_650505; D. melanogaster CG10738 (CG10738), NP_729905; D. melanogaster CG9783 (CG9783), NP_649477; D. melanogaster CG3216 (CG3216), NP_611532; D. melanogaster 99B (DmGC99B), Q07093; human tmAC-1 (htmAC1C1/ C2), Q08828; human tmAC-2 (htmAC2C1/C2), Q08462; human tmAC-3 (htmAC3C1/C2), O60266; human tmAC-4 (htmAC4C1/C2), Q8NFM4; human tmAC-5 (htmAC5C1/C2), O95622; human tmAC-6 (htmAC6C1/C2), O43306; human tmAC-7 (htmAC7C1/C2), P51828; human tmAC-8 (htmAC8C1/C2), P40145; human tmAC-9 (htmAC9C1/C2), O60503; D. melanogaster AC-A (DmACAC1/C2), NP_620475; D. melanogaster AC-B (DmACBC1/C2), NP_620474; D. melanogaster AC-C (DmACCC1/C2), NP_609593; D. melanogaster AC-D (DmACDC1/C2), NP_620478; D. melanogaster AC-E (DmACEC1/C2), NP_620479; D. melanogaster AC-1 (DmAC1C1/C2); Anopheles gambiae AgaC (AgACC1/ C2), EAA10271; human sAC (hsACC1/C2), NP_060887; P. falciparum ACα (PfAca), NP_701931; P. falciparum ACβ (PfACbC1/C2), NP_704518; D. discoideum Aca (DdAcaC1/C2), AAA33163; D. discoideum AcaA (DdAcaAC1/C2), XP_640636; D. discoideum AcrA (DdAcrA), AAD50121; D. discoideum AcgA (DdAcg), Q03101; Trypanosoma brucei AC-1 (TbbAC1), Q99279; T. brucei AC-2 (TbbAC2), Q99396; T. brucei AC-3 (TbbAC3), Q99280; T. brucei AC-4 (TbbAC4), Q26721; T. congolense AC (TcongAC), Q26896; T. equiperdum AC (TequiAC), P26338; Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1264 (Rv1624), CAB00890; M. tuberculosis Rv1319c (Rv1319c), Q10632; M. tuberculosis Rv1625c (Rv1625c), P0A4Y0; Candida albicans Cyr1 (CalbAC), AAG18428; Cryptococcus neoformans AC (CneoACC1/C2), AAG60619; Schizosaccharomyces pombe AC (SpomACC1/C2), P14605; Saccharomyces cerevisiae AC (ScerACC1/C2), P08678; Chloroflexus aurantiacus Chlo1066 (Ch1066C1/C2), ZP_00018085; C. aurantiacus Chlo1187 (Ch1187C1/C2), ZP_00018205; C. aurantiacus Chlo1431 (Ch1431C1/C2), ZP_00018442; Spirulina platensis CyaA (SplatACA), BAA22996; S. platensis CyaC (SplatACC), T17197; Stigmatella aurantiaca CyaA (SaurACA), CAA11549; S. aurantiaca CyaB1 (SaurACB1), T10905; Synecocystis sp. CyaA2 (PCC6803), BAA16969; Anabaena pirulensis CyaA (ApirACA), P43524; A. pirulensis CyaB1 (ApirACB1), NP_486306; A. pirulensis CyaB2 (ApirACB2), BAA13999; A. pirulensis CyaC (ApirACC), BAA14000; Mycobacterium leprae AC (MlepAC), CAA19149; Sinorhizobium melioti AC-1 (SmeliAC1), P19485; S. melioti AC-2 (SmeliAC2), Q52915; S. melioti AC-3 (SmeliAC3), Q9Z3Q0; Mesorhizobium loti AC-3 (MlotiAC3), BAB50205; Myxococcus xanthus CyaA (MxanCyaA), BAC00918; M. xanthus CyaB (MxanCyaB), BAD98264; Rhizobium etli CyaA (RetlCyaA), AAM66143; R. etli CyaB (RetlCyaB), AAM66145; Anenome cylindrica A (AcylACA), P43524; E. coli ACA (EcoliACA), CAA47280.