Table 1.
Products derived from MAP model outputs that are available for download from the MAP website
Scale |
MAP output | Global | Regional | National |
P. falciparumlimits |
map |
maps |
maps |
P. falciparumendemicity |
map |
maps |
maps |
P. falciparumentomological innoculation rate |
map |
maps |
maps |
P. falciparumreproductive number under control |
map |
maps |
maps |
Population atP. falciparumrisk |
tables of estimates |
P. vivaxlimits |
map |
maps |
maps |
Predicted occurrence of 41 dominant vector species |
full species range maps |
maps |
Bionomics for 41 individual dominant vector species |
descriptive text |
Duffy negativity prevalence (used to estimateP. vivaxrisk) |
map |
maps |
maps and tables of estimates |
P vivaxendemicity |
map |
maps |
maps |
Sickle haemoglobin allele frequency |
map |
maps |
tables of estimates maps |
G6PD deficiency allele frequency |
map |
maps |
tables of estimates maps |
Multiple vectors | map | maps | n/a |