Figure 6. A high percentage of medium-expressed X-linked genes is specifically co-downregulated after MOF or MSL1 (but not NSL1) knockdown.
(A–B) Comparison of expression fold changes (log2) between MOF and MSL1 knockdown for X-linked (red) and autosomal (gray) genes in the medium-expression (A) and high-expression (B) categories (representing a total of 227 X-linked and 5316 autosomal genes in each category). The percentages of X-linked and autosomal genes (in parentheses) with greater than 10% change in expression (±0.1 in log2) in both knockdowns are indicated in each quadrant.
(C–D) Comparison of expression fold changes between MOF and NSL1 knockdown. Similar analysis as in (A–B).
See also Table S2.