Figure 1.
Schematic of the IGF2/H19 imprinted domain. The IGF2/H19 imprinted domain is located at chromosome 11p15.5 and encompasses ∼170 kb. The insets show the genomic structure of the IGF2 gene (middle) and H19 gene (bottom), adapted from the UCSC Genome Browser, GRCh37/hg19 (Kent et al., 2002). Green ovals, CpG islands; yellow ovals, CTCF binding sites; tall vertical lines/boxes, coding sequence; short vertical lines/boxes, non-coding sequence. The promoters with direction of transcription are indicated by arrows. The IGF2 locus also produces a paternally expressed antisense transcript (IGF2AS), indicated by the purple lines/boxes. The IGF2 intron 3 CTCF binding motif is shown as underlined sequence with the CpG dinucleotides analyzed herein in capital letters. DMR, differentially methylated region; ICR, imprint control region.