Table 2.
Ex Vivo Gene Therapy for Bone Regeneration
Vector and Gene |
Cells | Target site | Main Results | Reference |
Adenoviral BMP-2 | Autologous bone marrow cells | Femur segmental defect in syngeneic rats | Superior bone properties to those treated BMP-2 protein alone | Lieberman et al., 1999 [37] |
Adenoviral BMP-2 | Human bone marrow MSCs | Subcutaneously implantation and radius bone segmental defect in nude mice | Bone formation in ectopic sites, and radius bone regeneration. Similar results were obtained with hMSCs isolated from a patient suffering from osteoporosis | Turgeman et al. 2001 [70] |
Adenoviral BMP-2 | Rabbit bone marrow MSCs | Subcutaneously implantation in nude mice | Robust ectopic bone formation after 4 weeks | Han et al., 2008 [73] |
Adenoviral BMP-2 | Human bone marrow vs. adipose tissue–derived MSCs | Athymic rat spinal fusion | No difference in bone formation was noted | Miyazaki et al., 2008 [74] |
Adenoviral BMP-2 | Human bone marrow MSCs | Mandible bone defect regeneration in NOD/SCID mice | Complete defect regeneration achieved | Steinhardt et al., 2008 [75] |
Adenoviral BMP-2 | Porcine bone marrow MSCs | Large-scale skull defect in a porcine model | Defects were completely repaired after 6 months. The bone formed was significantly thicker and stiffer. | Chang et al., 2009 [76] |
Adenoviral/retroviral/ cationic lipid, human BMP-2 | Rat bone marrow MSCs | Ectopic (subcutaneous) bone formation or orthotopic critical-size defect in a rat cranium | adBMP-2 MSCs showed statistically significant increase in bone formation relative to the other vectors | Blum et al., 2003 [78] |
Lentiviral BMP-4 | Rat bone marrow MSCs | Segmental defect in rat calvaria | Complete defect healing | Gysin et al., 2002 [79] |
Retroviral osterix | Mouse bone marrow MSCs | Calvaria bone defects in a mouse model | MSCs induced 85% healing | Tu et al., 2007 [80] |
Lentiviral BMP-2 | Rat bone marrow buffy-coat cells | “Same-day” implantation in a rat femoral defect | Radiographic evidence of bone healing and higher bone volume | Virk et al., 2011 [36] |
Plasmid DNA, BMP-4 and VEGF | Human bone marrow MSCs | Implanted subcutaneously in NOD/SCID mice | Significant increase in the quantity of bone formed | Huang et al., 2005 [81] |
Plasmid DNA, BMP-2 | Rat bone marrow MSCs | Culture in a perfusion bioreactor and then implanted subcutaneously in a rat model | Homogeneous bone formation was histologically observed | Hosseinkhani et al., 2006 [82] |
Liposome-mediated and adenoviral, BMP-2 | Rat bone marrow MSCs | Healing of critical size defects in the rat mandible. | Defects were healed at 6 weeks after gene transfer when liposomes were used, and within 4 weeks when adBMP-2 was used | Park et al., 2003 [89] |
Liposome mediated, bFGF | Rabbit periosteum MSCs | Critical-size segmental bone defect in the rabbit radius | Elevation in bone formation and capillary regeneration | Guo et al., 2006 [90] |
Liposome mediated, BMP-7 | Rat bone marrow MSCs | Mandible distraction osteogenesis site in rat model | Higher bone formation and earlier mineralization in the distracted callus | Hu et al., 2007 [91] |
Liposome mediated, osterix | Rabbit bone marrow MSCs | Rabbit model of mandibular lengthening | Higher bone mineral density, thickness of new trabeculae, and volume of the newly formed bone in the distraction zones | Lai et al., 2011 [92]. |
Nucleofection, BMP-2 or BMP-9 | Human bone marrow MSCs | Implantation to ectopic (intramuscular)site s in NOD/SCID mice | Bone formation was induced 4 weeks after cell implantation | Aslan et al., 2006 [93] |
Nucleofection, BMP-6 | Porcine adipose tissue–deriv ed MSCs. | Posterior spinal fusion in a immunodeficient mouse model | Large bone mass was formed adjacent to the lumbar area. | Sheyn et al., 2008 [94] |
Nucleofection, BMP-6 | Porcine adipose tissue–derived MSCs | Repair of vertebral bone defects in a rat model | The rate of bone formation was two times faster than that in the no cells treated group | Sheyn et al., 2011 [95] |
Nucleofection, BMP2/Runx2 | Human adipose SCs | Dorsal Subcutaneous implantation to BALB/c-nu mice | Superior bone formation compared with cells nucleofected with BMP-2 alone | Lee et al., 2010 [96] |