(a) Melanoma in the mouse ear with micrometastasis in the SLN at week 2 after tumor inoculation. (b) Laser-induced localized damage of the SLN containing melanoma micrometastasis at different laser energy, respectively. Laser parameters: wavelength, 639 nm; 10 laser pulses with overlapping beams with diameter on skin of 1 mm; laser fluence, 200 mJ/cm2 (b, left) and 750 mJ/cm2 (b, right). (c) PA signals from the SLN using a low fluence laser pulse, 50 mJ/cm2 (left); at high fluence laser pulse, 400 mJ/cm2 (middle); and at low fluence laser pulse again, 50 mJ/cm2 after high fluence laser pulse (right). Amplitude (vertical axis), time scale (horizontal axis): 100 mV/div, 2 μs/div (left); 500/div, 2 μs (middle); 20 mV/div, 2 μs/div (right).